PHS Welcomes WASC


This week here on campus, some special guests from the WASC organization have joined us. You may be asking yourself, what is WASC? It is an acronym for The Western Association of Schools and Colleges.

This is an organization that goes through different schools and evaluates our schools as a whole. They ensure that our schools are meeting the proper criteria in teaching our students. In this organization, there is a commission that goes through elementary, secondary, adult, and postsecondary campuses. The commission encourages school improvement through a 4-day in-person evaluation.
You probably have noticed people walking in and out of classrooms, standing in the back, or asking questions to the teacher or even the students. These people are making their way across campus, evaluating different parts of our school and the programs we have to offer.

Our guests were welcomed here on Sunday, February 26, for an opening night hosted by the LMC. Parents were able to come and engage with the teachers and faculty by answering questions to give the people of WASC a perspective on what it’s like being a part of Porterville High School. WASC concludes its evaluation on Wednesday, March 1. If you happen to see any members of the organization, feel free to answer any questions they might ask or give them a warm smile as they continue their evaluation.