What Are You Doing Over Winter Break

Nellita Montijo, junior
“The thing that I am going to do over winter break is to spend time with my family to eat Pozole and Tamales.”
Nicolas Macias, freshman              “Over winter break I’m probably going to be on my game and play FIFA, spend time with my family, and eat a lot of food such as tamales and pozole.”
Victor Vargas, freshman                              “Over winter break I am going to be going to my grandma’s house, we’re going to make some tamales, pozole, and hot chocolate, and I’m probably going to play soccer.”
Aiden Jimenez, junior                 “Over winter break I’m trying to get back into baseball, we’re going to make tamales, I celebrate Christmas two times, I go to my dad’s on Christmas Eve, and then I come back home on Christmas with my mom.”
Kimberly Montijo, freshman        “Over winter break I’m going to spend time with my family, I’m also going to be going out with friends, we’re going to eat tamales.”
Jamarcus Gutierrez, Freshman
“Over winter break I am going to be sleeping and playing sports and eating a lot of food.”