Freshman Fears

So we all have fears right? You can have a fear of basically anything, whether it’s a fear of clowns or something simple like embarrassing yourself in the halls. As you step into high school life you develop new fears, as a freshman, we all were scared of something involving the school. Some might be scared of embarrassing themselves in front of an upperclassmen, there are so many fears freshmen might have. Such as getting lost in the halls on the first day of school and not knowing where a class is, the school bathrooms, being smaller than your backpack, etc. Let’s find out some of the new freshman’s fears…

What is one fear you have as you step into high school?                          I was scared of not knowing where classes are and getting lost. I was also worried the classes might be hard.     Cynthia Corona, freshman 
What is one fear you have as you step into high school?                One thing I was more worried about that feared was all my classes being spread around the whole school.                            Conrad Mejia, freshman         
What is one fear you have as you step into high school?      On the first day of school I was nervous of getting lost around the school.       Daija Sandoval, freshman
What is one fear you have as you step into high school?                        I was pretty scared of all of my classes being hard and awkward because I wouldn’t know anyone in my classes.   Elyse Fernandez, freshman