Senior Sunrise


A popular senior tradition to celebrate the beginning of the senior year of high school is Senior Sunrise. Typically, the senior class gathers at a central location to watch the sunrise together, bond as a class, and usher in their final year of high school.

This morning, the Porterville High School Class of 2023 had their traditional Senior Sunrise. Held out on the practice football field, senior students gathered together with blankets and lawn chairs, bonding and enjoying the sunrise with their class. Around 6:40 am that the sun started to peek over the mountains and those gathered created a memory that they will always remember as the sun rose in the sky. Many students were taking pictures and capturing the moment with their friends. A big shoutout goes to our ASB for providing decorative signs for our seniors to take pictures with, and to Mrs. Maniss for always making sure that this is a special experience for those that attend.