Featured Artist – Sunny Felix


This week’s featured artist is senior, Sunny Felix. She’s currently in Foundations of Art (Art 1), with Mrs. Seitz; even though, she enjoyed doing art since she was a little kid and took her first art class in middle school. In Foundations, Sunny is learning how to blend colors and create forms with highlights and shadows. Sunny’s favorite type of art is landscapes because she “doesn’t have a lot of freedom” and thinks about “places or scenes” that she’d prefer to be. Sunny stated, “I love sunsets. I like drawing mountains, and silhouettes of horses with sunset backgrounds.” Her preferred medium is paint because as Sunny expressed, “I love mixing colors.” Recently, Sunny got paint and enjoys experimenting with it the most. Finally, Sunny encourages readers to, “just do whatever you like, and draw whatever makes you happy. You can’t make any mistakes in art.”