We Said, They Said
“What is your favorite thing to do in the winter?”
- “I love to have barbecues outside, and I love to be next to the fires so that I can get all warm.” -Adelyne Garcia, junior
- “My favorite thing about winter is that we can wear sweats and baggy clothing.” -Sandra Alvarez, junior
- “My favorite thing is to cuddle up in bed, wear comfy clothing, wear baggy stuff, and sit in front of the bonfire.” -Alyssa Olmedo, junior
- “My favorite thing to do in the winter is to sit around and play video games.” -Mr. Johnson, Science Department
- “I love going on drives in the mountains and listening to Christmas music. I also love sitting by the fire and drinking hot cocoa.” -Mrs. Padilla, English Department
- “Favorite thing to do in the winter would probably have to be drinking hot cocoa by the bonfire.” -Mrs. Martins, Agriculture Department