Student involvement in environmental protection
Of the many clubs here on campus, a favorite that many students are involved in is the interact club and the spare club. Both of these clubs were created to make a difference in our community and environment. Fellow members of these clubs were interviewed to understand better what goes on behind closed doors.
“In Interact club, we do a lot of volunteer work for the city. We set up plans for special needs kids. We are also sending centerpieces for a convention in San Diego called the pets conference, a national rotary conference. We do a lot of drives like clothing, hygiene, and food drives, and we do a lot of awareness for abuse. We will work on other special needs plans which is our main focus for now. We will also do more food drives soon and focus on family crisis centers. In April, we will be doing booths for domestic violence awareness. ”-Hannah Mccoy.
“In Spare club, we try and raise awareness for our environment, and recently we have been taking action to help our environment grow. At our last Spare club meeting, we planted seeds, and they were wildflower seeds, so that they would produce pollen for the bees. Right now, the Spare club wants to beautify the school, so with our soil, we will plant plants around campus to help with that. Students should be expecting to see radishes and tomatoes growing around the school, and that will play a part in us beautifying the school. In Spare club, we make a lot of recycled material and repurpose it; we make sun catchers out of recycled water bottles for nice decoration.”-Emmelie Moreno.
If you are interested in helping out around the community and making a difference within our environment, feel free to come out to the club meetings. Spare club meets every Thursday in room H-207, and Interact club holds their meetings every Wednesday in room K-6.

Alex is a senior here at Porterville high, this is his third year as a journalist staff reporter.Alex is a part of our Porterville high school water polo,...