Senior Stage Tradition

Here at Porterville High, traditions run deep in our roots. From raising your two fingers and singing along to the Orange and Green or the sport’s traditions, Porterville has invested its students in participating in so many deeply rooted traditions. One of the traditions here on campus is the senior stage signing. Every year our graduating seniors signed their names on the stage in our old quad. This year is the first year of our new quad, and it is only missing one thing, the stage. This year the seniors won’t be able to sign their names on the old stage as all of the previous seniors did. It is only fair not only to the seniors but to the school as well that we keep this tradition going. Regardless of the circumstances of not having the annual stage, we should still be able to sign our names in salutes to this school. Our senior class should be the first to leave their mark on our new quad and carry on the tradition.
I, however am not the only person who agrees with this. I went around and asked our seniors what they thought of it, and here is what they had to say.