PHS Students’ Opinion on the New Quad Remodel

How do you feel about the new quad remodel?
“I feel very complete.”
Were your expectations met?
“Yes, I did expect it to look like that but I expected a little more.”
What do you miss about the old quad?
“I miss the benches and the trees.”
What’s something about the new quad you remodel?
“I enjoy the seating areas.”

How do you feel about the new remodel of the quad?
“I miss the old quad.”
Were your expectations met?
“No, I expected them to put back the tables.”
What’s something you miss about the old quad?
“I miss the tables and the trees.”
What’s something about the new quad you enjoy?
“I really like the shaded area.”

How do you feel about the new remodel of the quad?
“It’s alright, nothing crazy.”
Were your expectations met?
“No, they were not.”
What is something about the old quad you miss?
“I miss all the trees.”
What’s something in the new quad you enjoy?
“I don’t really use it.”

How do you feel about the new remodel of the quad?
“I think it looks cool.”
Were your expectations met?
“No, not really.
What’s something you miss about the old quad?
“I miss how everyone would hang out there all the time.”
What’s something about the new quad you enjoy?
“I enjoy the grass they put in.”

How do you feel about the new quad remodel?
“I think it’s really beautiful.”
Were your expectations met?
“No, I feel like they got their inspiration from Granite Hills, and I would like there to be a Waterfall.”
What is something about the old quad you miss?
“I miss the stage where people would perform at lunch.”
What is something about the new quad you enjoy?
“I like that it’s very open, but I feel like there should be more tables.”

How do you feel about the quad remodel?
“I feel like no one is going to sit there.”
Did the remodel meet your expectations?
“Not really, it looks kinda plain.”
What is something you miss about the old quad?
“The trees and tables.”
What is something new about the quad you enjoy?
“There is no mud anymore.”

How do you feel about the new remodel of the quad?
“It’s alright.”
Were your expectations met?
“Yes, it looks nice.”
What’s something about the old quad that you miss?
“The trees.”
What’s something about the new quad that you enjoy?
“There is more space.”

How do you feel about the new remodel of the quad?
“It’s nice. I don’t really like how the turf feels but looks nice.”
Were your expectations met?
“Yes, I expect less.”
What’s something about the old quad you miss?
“I really miss the trees.”
What’s something about the new quad you really enjoy?
“I can walk through it instead of walking around.”