Chromebook Controversy
Chromebooks are an essential asset to many students as work given out nowadays is usually online. Many students don’t own a personal device, so the only time they have access to technology is at school. This sparks the big question: Do students prefer having Chromebooks in the classroom or prefer being able to check out a device to be able to use both at home and in school? Sure, there are pros and cons to both of these motives. The pros are that students who don’t own a device can work on schoolwork at home and use their time to get ahead in other classes. If students are responsible and bring their devices back to school daily, they will have a device for the whole day and may stay caught up. The cons are that the school-issued Chromebooks can get damaged if not taken care of properly. If devices are forgotten at home then students won’t have a device for the day and may potentially fall behind. Students were asked their opinion on the Chromebooks situation and more argued that having Chromebooks eligible for checking out would be beneficial on many levels.

I would rather have a device I can take home with me because I wouldn’t have to worry about other people leaving the Chromebook dead.
What are the cons of having a Chromebook that you can only use at school?
Cons of having a Chromebook cart only in the classrooms are some students forget to plug the Chromebooks in at the end of the day, so they’re not charged when people try using them.
How often did you make up an excuse as to why your Chromebook was dead when we had our own devices last year?
I probably made excuses like 2-3 times a week last year because I forgot to charge my Chromebook.
Ariana Gil– junior

I would rather check out a device to use the Chromebook at home whenever I need to finish assignments.
What excuse did you make for your Chromebook being dead on time for school last year?
The power went out, and I was unable to charge it.
Maria Gamino– junior

I would rather have a Chromebook that I can take home because it’s more beneficial for me because sometimes my own computer doesn’t work well, and having an extra device would help a lot.
What are the pros of being able to check out a Chromebook to take home?
You don’t have to worry about buying your own device because it will be provided by the school.
Justin Tena– junior

I would actually get my work done if I had my own personal device at home.
What are the cons of being able to check out a Chromebook to take home?
Students would forget to charge them and bring them to school dead.
Laisha Beltran– senior

I prefer having Chromebooks in my classroom because the potential problem of having students check out a device is them not bringing them to school. It takes longer just to get them [Chromebooks] out, which adds to the class time. Whereas, if I had a Chromebook cart, I could already have the Chromebooks set out on the desks, ready to go for each class period.
Mr. Brown– Science Department