Why We Should Be Thankful For our Families
Thanksgiving is just around the corner and with that comes the time for reflecting on what we are most thankful for. Most people would say they are thankful for their family but why? Some might say it is because they do a lot for them or because they are always there supporting each other. It is vital to have thanks to those who have supported you regardless of your actions. Family is the most important thing in this world and we only get one so it is crucial to appreciate and be thankful for the one you have.
I am most thankful for my family because they have given me countless opportunities to succeed and follow in their footsteps and even if I don’t they are still there to pick me up again and keep trying. Something my family has taught me is to have character, having character is important because it has shown not only myself but others how we should treat one another. One way we could show our families that we are thankful for them can be by having a conversation with them. It does not matter how you show them or is not determined by the gifts you give them, but something so small can go a long way. We wanted to ask around our fellow classmates why they were thankful for their families. These are the responses we collected.