What Are You Thankful For?

Julissa Delgado, junior– “I am thankful for everything but I’m mostly thankful for all the opportunities I was given by PAB pathway and everything I’m able to accomplish.”
Leslie Lemus, junior “I’m thankful for my family because they provide for me.”
Perla Orea, sophomore– “I’m thankful for my mom for always being there for me and for also playing as the father figure in my life.”
Janessa Hernandez, junior– “I’m thankful to attend PHS because it is such a great and amazing school.”
Jeremy hearn, freshmen– “I am thankful for my family and being able to have a roof over my head.”
Aiden Jimenez, junior– “I’m thankful for baseball because it gets me to do my work in class to play at the end of the year.”
Lily Banuelos, freshmen– “I’m thankful for my friends because they’ve always been there for me since day one.”
Anthony Cervantes, junior– “I’m thankful for my parents because they’re always there for me.”
Darryl Toney, junior– “I’m thankful for my family and football because they make me who I am today.”
Anessa Hernadez, junior– “I am thankful for my mom because she’s always been there for me.”
Katie Ramos, sophomore– “I’m thankful for food (Starbucks), my friends, and family.”
Kimberly Montijo, freshman– “I’m thankful for my family because at the end of the day there the only people who are going to be there for you.”
Aliya Alvarado, sophomore– “I’m thankful for my grandparents/ family and my friends.”
Evelyn Rangel, sophomore – “I am thankful for Starbucks and food.”
Kalista Ayala, senior– ” I am thankful for all the opportunities I’ve been given and my friends and family.”
Briele DeMaranville, freshman– ” I am thankful for my family and friends because they help me through my struggles and they believe in me.”
Jimena Cruz, freshman– ” I am thankful for money, life, and my family. Money makes me happy, life is fun and my family always supports me.”
Adrian Sanchez, sophomore– ” I am thankful for being alive, my parents, my instruments, and my voice when I am singing.”
Jesus Martinez, sophomore– “I am thankful for everything I have.”
Aislyn O’Neil, sophomore– “I am thankful for my best friend (Sianna Prum) because she is always there for me.”