What is Halloween? Halloween is a holiday celebrated every year on October 31st. It all began with the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain. This day started off as “All Hollows Eve” and was marked as the beginning of the dark, cold winter time of the year. It was believed that ghosts of the dead would return to earth. Back in the day people would make bonfires and wear costumes to ward off ghosts.
Today it is known as Halloween and it is commonly celebrated by children who dress up and go to houses asking for candy also known as trick-or-treating. If a treat is given to kids, then the child will not perform a “trick” (mischief) on the owner’s house. Wearing costumes came from the belief of us scaring away ghosts and spirits. Not only do we trick-or-treat and wear costumes but we also do other fun activities like carving jack-o-lanterns, telling scary stories, and going to haunted houses. Jack-o-lanterns are faces carved into pumpkins and were made to scare off ghosts and other supernatural beings.

Maritza Lopez is a senior here at Porterville High School, she is a third-year member of the Orange and Green Staff and a second-year member of the...