Trick-or-Treat Candy Favorites
When trick-or-treating, you never know what kind of candy you’re bound to get. Some people give out the bare minimum, as simple as a piece of gum, while others give out full-size candy bars. Of course, the key to the best candy is hitting the most decorative houses. In town, the “west side” is arguably the best side to trick-or-treat if you want to hit the jackpot. From attractive eerie decorations to sinister-looking houses, you know those houses are bound to have the good stuff. What is the good stuff, you may ask? Well, we left that up to the students to decide. Below, some of our students gave us their opinion on what they believe is the best candy to receive while trick-or-treating.

Haribo Gummy Bears
Silver Loza- senior

Edgar Jacuinde- senior

Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups
Isabel Rodriguez- junior

Emmanuel Guerrero- junior

Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups
Clarissa Reyes- senior

Fernando Ballardo- senior
princess corrales • Oct 27, 2022 at 5:00 pm
Really good stuff keep it up Joslen.