Meet The Freshman
A Weekly Feature

How has your year been so far?
“It’s good and pretty fun.”
Are you or do you plan to be involved in any school activities or sports?
“I’m in football and plan to do baseball.”
What were your expectations for high school?
“I expected to get lost and for it to be more crowded.”
What are your opinions on high school?
“It’s very interesting and fun.”
What’s a fun fact about yourself?
“I’m on the JV football team as a freshman.”

How has your year been so far?
“It’s very emotional.”
Are you or do you plan to be involved in any school activities or sports?
“I am in football and plan to do wrestling.”
What were your expectations of high school?
“I expected it to be harder.”
What are your opinions on high school?
“I think the newspaper needs better reporters.”
What’s a fun fact about yourself?
“I learned to drive when I was 13.”

How has your year been so far?
“It’s a pretty good and normal year”
Are you involved or do you plan to be involved in any school activities or sports?
“I want to be in yearbook or ASB in the future.”
What were your expectations for high school?
“I expected it to be worse”
What are your opinions on high school so far?
“It’s pretty good and interesting”
What’s a fun fact about yourself?
“I have 5 siblings

How has your year been so far?
“My year has been productive and good.”
Are you involved or do you plan to be involved in any school activities or sports?
“I’m in football, hype club and want to join wrestling and track.”
What were your expectations for high school?
“I expected the school to be smaller, scarier, and harder.”
What are your opinions on high school?
“It’s a very fun nice environment”
What’s a fun fact about yourself?
“Some people say I look like Lil mosey.”

How has your year been so far?
“ It’s fun and going by very fast.”
Are you involved or do you plan to be involved in any school activities or sports?
“I would like to play soccer next year, track, and maybe ASB or yearbook.”
What were your expectations of high school?
“I expected people to be meaner”
What are your opinions on high school so far?
“It’s fun and not as scary as people make it.”
What’s a fun fact about yourself?
“I had knee surgery.”

Samara Bedard, freshman
How has your year been so far?
“It’s fine, I’ve met a few people.”
Are you or do you plan to be involved in any school activities or sports?
“I plan to do softball.”
What were your expectations of high school?
“I expected nicer people and to meet more people.”
What are your opinions on high school?
“It’s really fun and easy.”
What’s a fun fact about yourself?
“I have 2 brothers and 2 sisters.”