To Mask or Not To Mask?

Friday, March 11, 2022, an email was sent out to PUSD students and parents from our Superintendent, Dr. Nate Nelson, explaining that when students returned to school after Spring Break masks would no longer be required indoors for students and staff. The California Department of Public Health disclosed that masking is now optional in all settings, including schools. Whether one is vaccinated or not, all are free to not wear masks. As students filtered into classrooms yesterday there were still many students wearing masks (properly and improperly), which raises the question, why are some students still masking at school?

Here’s what a few of our students decided to say on the matter, we decided to keep these responses anonymous since masking is still a controversial topic for many:

“I wear my mask because I’m insecure.” (Said by multiple students)

“I still wear my mask because I live with older people and I don’t want them to get it.”

“I don’t wear my mask anymore because it’s more comfortable without. Plus, I didn’t wear it a lot before so now I’m not forced to by teachers.”

“I still wear my mask due to almost seeing my brother and mother almost passing away due to COVID.”

“I chose not to wear a mask because sometimes I miss when people would be able to see my facial expressions and it does get hard to breathe.”

“I wear a mask because I’ve gotten used to it and it feels awkward without one.”

“I don’t wear a mask because it fogs up my glasses when I wear it.”

“I wear my mask because of my parents.”

“When we came back, I expected a lot of students to not wear masks. If I feel comfortable enough seeing people’s faces again, I may stop wearing mine.”

“I do wear my mask because I’m used to it and it makes me feel comfortable.”