Boys’ State and Girls’ State Selections
Jake Kroutil & Giselle Alcantar to Represent PHS in Sacramento
California, and many states across the country, offer a summer program for juniors to create a mock government. Each high school in California selects two delegates, a boy and a girl, to represent their school in the mock government. These programs are called American Legion Boys State and American Legion Auxiliary (ALA) Girls State. This program allows students to go to Sacramento State University to create their own Government, elected officials and learn more about the way the Government system works.
“I was nominated for Boys State. I filled the application out online and within a month or two, I got the details on what it’ll be like during the summer from Ms. Buzzeli. I feel great about this achievement, definitely. I’ve heard being in Boys State looks good on college transcripts because only one student per school gets to go. I get to talk to other people from other counties and discuss how things work at their schools. I know high school is all about experiences and this gets to be another one. It’s really nice because it shows that a lot of my hard work is paying off.” -Jake Kroutil, junior