Where Do You See Yourself in 10 Years?
“I’ll be 26 in 10 years and hopefully somewhere in Europe traveling the world.”
– Jazmin Lopez, junior
“In 10 years, I hope to be married, finishing school if I haven’t already, and have a stable job.”
– Leslie Zavala, junior
“I would like to see myself married, starting a family, and hopefully buy a house by then.”
– Alexandra Ayon, junior
“I see myself with my dream job, which is being a physical therapist. I would also like to be married, traveling around the world, and begin to have a family.”
– Maraya Andrade, junior
“In 10 years, I see myself having my bachelor’s degrees and getting some dogs.”
– Gloria Chavez, junior
“I see myself finishing college and working as a delivery nurse.”
– Viviana Ceballos, junior
“I see myself with a stable job and living life to the fullest with my best friend.”
– Beatriz Herrera, junior