Easter is hopping around the corner and SweeTarts released their iconic Easter packs. We’ve decided to taste test each flavor one by one, the catch was we didn’t even know what the flavors were!
We tried to guess what flavors each candies were, and these were our guesses:
Red: Cherry
Green: Green Apple
Yellow: Lemon
Purple: Grape
Blue: Hawaiian Punch
We also personally ranked each flavor in order of most favorite to least favorite.
My ranking was:
- Red
- Green
- Yellow
- Blue
- Purple
I personally prefer the red cherry flavored SweeTart. Overall, it was the sweetest, and the least sour. The sour taste is good in the other flavor’s but it could be overpowering. The purple grape flavor tasted the most sour, like grape yet too sour to consider it grape.
Krisenda’s ranking was:
- Red
- Green
- Blue
- Yellow
- Purple
She says, “I really like cherry flavors in general, so that’s why I ranked it the highest. But, I didn’t like how overpowering the grape one was. The chalky texture of each candy reminded me of the Flintstones chew-able vitamins.”
The Easter candy is pretty enjoyable, it’ll most likely give you a sugar rush the more you eat them. You could say that means they’re a definite add on to your list of new things to try this year! Our consensus was that these are totally a hit, and we’re willing to try out more candies to review for you guys!
Comment down below what our next sugar-rush review should be! 🙂