Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, a 2010 film featuring Michael Cera as Scott Pilgrim, is a modern classic. Basically, this movie is about a young man, Scott Pilgrim, who’s in a band with 4 other friends and lives with his roommate right across the street. He struggles relationship wise, but he meets Ramona Flowers (played by Mary Elizabeth). A starstruck man leading to battling for his place with Ramona against her seven ex’s.
The overall concept of the movie’s story-line is interesting as it sounds, although once you watch it, it’s definitely more comically pleasing. The fights are video game based, when Scott defeats an “evil” ex, coins emerge from sky as the ex vanishes. The graphics are definitely something to look forward to if you enjoy video games. I find these parts of the movie fun and engaging, even laughable at that.
So forth, the movie is a comedy and action film, of course also a romance. the video game base just adds onto the plot. I’d say the plot is smooth, but there is drama to look forward to and much background information you learn behind this movie. The late film truly makes a statement, it’s iconic since it was the start of early advances in graphics in film and it was newer involving technology.
Other than these perspectives, it’s more than safe to say this movie is ICONIC. For the garage band type of kids, for the gamers, and even dying my hair after every crisis type. Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, a movie game changer for the indie rock community even a movie which created a major hit in pop-culture even till now,. It’s a fun-filled movie, with endless surprises and even unexpected plot twists. A movie for everyone, everyone needs to enjoy a good laugh, right?